Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric Surgery treatment abroad thanks to Intercontinental Care

Plani juaj i Personalizuar i Trajtimit

Ne do t’ju ndihmojmë të gjeni trajtimet më të mira mjekësore në të gjithë botën.
Shëndeti juaj është unik, dhe kështu duhet të jetë zgjidhja juaj. 

Kirurgjia bariatrike është një procedurë mjekësore novatore e krijuar për të ndihmuar njerëzit që vuajnë nga obeziteti ekstrem. Siç e dimë të gjithë, ushtrimet dhe mbajtja e një plani ushqimor të shëndetshëm shkon shumë drejt mbajtjes së një peshe të shëndetshme. Megjithatë, në rastet e obezitetit ekstrem kur këto përpjekje nuk janë të mjaftueshme, kirurgjia bariatrike mund të jetë një opsion i mundshëm. Ndërhyrja kirurgjikale bariatrike ndihmon në kufizimin e marrjes së kalorive të dikujt duke reduktuar sasinë e ushqimit. që mund të konsumohen. Ai ndryshon mënyrën se si trupi ynë tret ushqimin, duke çuar në humbje të konsiderueshme në peshë. Personat që kanë një indeks të masës trupore (BMI) prej 40 ose më të lartë janë kandidatë idealë për këtë lloj operacioni. Duke arritur humbje të konsiderueshme në peshë, shanset për të zhvilluar probleme shëndetësore të lidhura me peshën ulen ndjeshëm, duke përmirësuar kështu jetëgjatësinë. Me këtë operacion, pacientët dihet se humbin mesatarisht deri në 70% të peshës së tepërt të tyre. 

Diseases related to Obesity


The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines obesity as an abnormal or excessive accumulation of fat in the body that poses a health risk.

Excess weight can lead to diseases affecting various organs and systems in the body:

1. Cardiovascular System:
The increase in body mass is accompanied by an enlargement of tissues that require additional blood supply. This leads to the formation of new blood vessels, increasing the overall length of the vascular system and placing additional strain on the heart. Obesity can induce hypertension, ischemic heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes.

2. Endocrine System Disorders:
The increase in body mass is often accompanied by insulin resistance – reduced sensitivity of tissues to insulin, which can lead to the development of diabetes. Additionally, obesity may disrupt the menstrual cycle in women and decrease testosterone levels in men, causing corresponding changes in the body.

3. Musculoskeletal System Disorders:
The increase in body mass places additional stress on joints during movement, often leading to joint deformities, spinal deformities, and the development of osteoarthritis.

4. Oncological Diseases:
Individuals with excess weight are more prone to oncological diseases, such as breast cancer in women and prostate cancer in men, compared to those with normal body weight. Furthermore, obesity can be a contributing factor to liver and gallbladder diseases, as well as mental health disorders.


Bariatric Surgery Procedures

Contemporary bariatric surgeries are primarily laparoscopic or endoscopic, emphasizing minimally invasive techniques. These approaches offer patients quicker recovery, shorter hospital stays, and reduced post-operative discomfort. After undergoing bariatric surgery, a comprehensive follow-up is imperative to ensure the surgery’s success, focusing on weight maintenance and minimizing potential side effects.

The various procedures, including Gastric Bypass, Adjustable Gastric Band, Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy, Sleeve Gastroplasty with endoscopic technique, and Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch technique, each have their unique pros and cons. Your medical coordinator and bariatric surgeon will carefully assess your medical history and assist you in determining the most suitable surgical approach. Gastric Bypass and Sleeve Gastrectomy, collectively, account for over 80% of bariatric surgeries performed globally.

Switching gears, it’s crucial to note that bariatric surgery isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution for those struggling with morbid obesity. Eligibility hinges on meeting specific medical criteria and undergoing thorough screening to establish suitability.

Beyond readiness to commit to lasting lifestyle changes, choosing a seasoned specialist in bariatric surgery and opting for a center employing a multidisciplinary approach is paramount. Such an approach integrates collaboration among experts in Bariatric Surgery, Nutrition, Endocrinology, Cardiology, and Psychology, ensuring a comprehensive and effective treatment for obesity.

Biliopancreatic diversion

Biliopancreatic Diversion with or without with duodenal switch is carried out, creating a double intestinal conduit to delay the encounter between ingested food and digestive juices. This prolonged separation results in reduced digestion and, consequently, lower absorption of nutrients, such as fats.

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Gastric balloon

The intragastric balloon system is a medical weight loss solution designed to be minimally invasive and is suitable for people dealing with obesity. The device itself is like a balloon that is placed in your stomach without any surgery involved.

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