Additively Manufactured Subperiosteal Jaw Implant:
state-of-the-art dental implants

Clinica Villalba, Italy

At the Dental Department of Clinica Privata Villalba, innovative implantology interventions are conducted for patients suffering from extreme maxillary atrophy, which involves bone loss. This approach is spearheaded by Dr. Marco Rinaldi, an oral surgeon and specialist in odontostomatology, in collaboration with Prof. Maurice Mommaerts, the director of the European Face Center and a professor at the University Hospital of Brussels. Prof. Mommaerts is the inventor of the AMSJI method (Additively Manufactured Subperiosteal Jaw Implant), an implant surgery specifically indicated for patients with severe jaw atrophy.

The atrophy of the jaw bones is a consequence of the loss of teeth, whether due to trauma or physiological reasons, leading to the resorption of the supporting tissues in which the teeth were housed. This condition results in a near-complete immobilization of the jawbone, which remains essentially blocked, causing significant implications for nutrition, functionality, and aesthetics.

For this procedure, we begin with a CT scan and a three-dimensional model of the jaw, from which we create a customized structure. This structure is anchored to the jawbone using osteosynthesis screws. Crafted from titanium using advanced engineering techniques, the structure is designed to withstand chewing forces simulated over a span of 15 years. The quality of the implant structures is rigorously controlled and certified.

AMSJI comprises two wings that are affixed with osteosynthesis screws to stable parts of the skull, areas less prone to bone resorption. Subsequently, a titanium bar is attached to these wings, onto which the initial provisional prosthesis is secured on the same day as the surgery. After approximately two months, the temporary prosthesis can be replaced with the permanent one.

The prosthesis is completely personalized for the patient, optimized to adapt to their jaw bone, and constructed exclusively for them. This marks a shift in approach, as it’s no longer the patient’s bone that needs to conform to the implants; instead, the implant itself is tailored specifically for the patient. It becomes a unique and exclusive prosthesis.

The surgical technique for installing the AMSJI involves exposing the maxillary bone, determining the precise position of the structure, and securing it with osteosynthesis screws. The patient enters the operating room without teeth (edentulous) and emerges with a fixed dental arch. This arch is worn for approximately two months before being replaced by a more elaborate definitive prosthesis. The latter allows for further customization of colors and tooth shapes, aiming to achieve the best possible aesthetics.

Dental treatment for an individual demands not only a specialized professional approach but also an appropriate structural predisposition to address the diverse needs of the patient. Villalba Private Clinic offers patients state-of-the-art operating theaters with high-quality standards, supported by the collaborative efforts of other specialists within the facility. This collaboration ensures a highly personalized diagnosis and treatment pathway.