Treatment Coverage for Arab citizens

Cost Coverage for Arab Citizens

Treatment Coverage for Citizens of Bahrain

Treatment Abroad and Cost Coverage for Citizens of Bahrain thanks to Intercontinental Care العلاج في الخارج وتغطية التكاليف لمواطني البحرين بفضل رعاية إنتركونتيننتال

The committee for treatment abroad will fully cover the costs of the patient’s treatment outside of Bahrain such as hospital cost including doctors’ and technicians’ fees and other expenses necessary to complete the treatment, as well as the cost of travel tickets and the accommodation.
The waiting period for the patient to obtain the approval is usually up to 3 days and one day for urgent cases.

Examples of cases eligible for treatment abroad:

  • Cases for which no treatments are available in Bahrain
  • Organ transplantation, like liver transplants, heart transplants, lung transplants and kidney transplants for adults and children
  • Some types of bone marrow transplants for tumours and some types of radiotherapy that are not available to cancer patients, as well as some types of surgery for cancer or epilepsy
  • Installation of devices for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease
  • Complex pediatric heart operations
  • Some cases of eye surgery

Contact information
To know about the required documents and your eligibility, please contact the Treatment Abroad Office in Ministry of Health of Bahrain:
Phone: +973 17282615 – +973 17282610
Email addresses: ;
Official Website

Download Application Form

Treatment Coverage for Citizens of Kuwait

Treatment Abroad and Cost Coverage for Citizens of Kuwait thanks to Intercontinental Care العلاج في الخارج وتغطية التكاليف لمواطني الكويت بفضل رعاية إنتركونتيننتال

Upon prior approval the Department of Treatment Abroad can fully cover the costs of the patient’s treatment outside of the state of Kuwait such as: hospitalisation, treatment fees, medicines, medical examinations, allowances for patients and accompanying persons, transportation allowances and travel tickets.

Examples of cases eligible for treatment abroad 

  • Cases for which no treatments are available in the state of Kuwait
  • Correction of critical spine cases
  • Cases of congenital heart disease
  • Chronic conditions affecting parts of the body
  • Organ transplantation.
  • Serious trauma cases and complications caused by injuries from serious accidents
  • Oncological cases, cancer surgery and neurosurgery
  • Some types of work related injuries

Required documents 

  • A detailed and updated medical report in English about the medical condition of the patient from the hospital where the patient was treated inside Kuwait
  • Copy of the patient’s civil ID

You are required to apply for the service personally or send one of your relatives with a legal capacity to the Department of Treatment Abroad. Submit your request for examination by the medical committee of the competent hospital to decide whether the treatment is available inside Kuwait or not. This can be done by filling the MOH Request Treatment Abroad form.
In case the medical committee approves your treatment abroad, since it is not available in Kuwait, you or your relative must refer to the Department of Treatment Abroad. Hence, you can start to prepare for travel.

In case the specialty medical committee does not approve your abroad treatment, you or your relative can fill the Form in the Name of the Under Secretary of the Ministry of Health to bring a complaint against the decision of the medical committee of the hospital. The complaint will then be presented before the Supreme Medical Committee for Treatment Abroad.

The Ministry of Health of the state of Kuwait does not cover the costs of:

  • Any previous treatment that the patient may have received at his own expense before the approval for a treatment is issued.
  • The treatment of any disease, other than the disease from which the treatment abroad was approved, except in urgent cases that are documented in medical reports
  • Cases that were previously presented to the competent medical committee and were rejected

Contact information
To know about your eligibility, please contact the treatment abroad office in Ministry of health of the state of Kuwait:
Phone: +965 2481 0931
Official website
Location:  8WH5+JCC, Shuwaikh Industrial, Kuwait

Download treatment request form
Download Complaint Form

Kuwait Oil Company employees and family members
If you are a Kuwaiti citizen employed by the Kuwait oil company, you can apply for treatment abroad for you or your family members through the referral office in Ahmadi Hospital.
To know about your eligibility and document required, please contact thr referral office in Ahmadi Hospital.

Treatment Coverage for Citizens of Marocco

Treatment Abroad and Cost Coverage for Citizens Marocco thanks to Intercontinental Care العلاج في الخارج وتغطية التكاليف للمواطنين المغربيين بفضل إنتركونتيننتال كير

Reimbursement of the expenses of treatments received outside of Morocco may be accepted for the  beneficiaries of compulsory sickness insurance in two cases:

  • If the insured suffers a sudden illness during his stay abroad, in this case, the expenses are returned on the basis of the national reference tariffs.
  • In the event that the insured is unable to receive appropriate treatment for his condition in Morocco, in this case, the reimbursement or coverage of expenses is subject to obtaining the prior approval of the National Social Security Fund in accordance with the agreements and modalities specified in a regulatory text.

In case the treatment is not available in Morocco, the insured or the beneficiary of the insurance must provide the following:

  • Submitting a request to benefit from treatment outside of the State of Morocco
  • National insurance card for the insured
  • A report from the treating doctor in Morocco explaining the type of disease and the quality of the proposed operation and that the operation is not available in Morocco.
  • The bank details of the chosen hospital abroad.
  • A medical report from the treating doctor in the healthcare facility abroad explaining the course of treatment prepared for the patient.

In the event of sudden illness of the insured or the beneficiary of the insurance during his travel abroad, the insured must provide the following:

  • Submitting a request for refund for the medical expenses he received in the healthcare facility abroad.
  • Medical report from the treating physician indicating the type of treatment received by the patient in the hospital abroad.
  • Medical bills for services received by the patient in the hospital abroad.

Contact information
To know about the required documents and your eligibility, please contact the Moroccan Social security fund (CNSS)
Phone: 0802007200 – 0522547054
Official website

Treatment Coverage for Citizens of Oman

Treatment Abroad and Cost Coverage for Citizens of Oman thanks to Intercontinental Care Treatment Abroad and Cost Coverage for Citizens of Oman thanks to Intercontinental Care

The Treatment Abroad Office will fully cover the costs of the patient’s treatment outside of Sultanate of Oman.

Examples for cases eligible for treatment abroad: 

  • Cases for which treatment is not available in the Sultanate or examination is not available in government hospitals in the Sultanate.
  • Bone marrow transplant
  • Liver transplant
  • Epilepsy treatment
  • Complex orthopaedics operations
  • Complex tumor cases and retinoblastoma of the eyes
  • Corneal transplantation and pre-implantation genetic screening

Contact information
To know about the required documents and your eligibility, please contact the Treatment Abroad Office of Ministry of Health of the Sultanate of Oman:
Phone: +968 24946384 / +968 24943685
Email addresses:

Treatment Coverage for Citizens of Palestine​

Treatment Abroad and Cost Coverage for Citizens of Palestine thanks to Intercontinental Care العلاج في الخارج وتغطية التكاليف لمواطني فلسطين بفضل رعاية إنتركونتيننتال

Upon a prior approval from the Service Purchasing Department, the Ministry of Health of Palestine can cover part of the costs of insured Palestinian patient’s treatment outside of Palestine with the patient’s contribution ranging between 0% and 30%, depending on the seniority of the insurance.

The cases eligible for treatment abroad are those for which there are no treatments available in Palestine.

Required documents:

  • Letter of transfer to a medical health institution outside the institutions of the Ministry of Health
  • A report from a government hospital signed by a specialist doctor and hospital director
  • Written approval of the medical committee of the Service Purchasing Department.
  • Valid health insurance
  • Copy of civil Identity card


  • Examination of the patient in a government hospital and creation of a report for him on a special form
  • Referral of the patient to the treatment abroad department
  • Approval of the committee in the Treatment Abroad Department (Service Purchasing Department)

Contact information
To know about the required documents and your eligibility, please contact the Service Purchasing Department in Ministry of Health of Palestine:
Phone: +970 22414210
Email address:
Official website

Treatment Coverage for Citizens of Qatar

Treatment Abroad and Cost Coverage for Citizens of Qatar thanks to Intercontinental Care العلاج في الخارج وتغطية التكاليف لمواطني دولة قطر بفضل رعاية إنتركونتيننتال

Upon the prior approval of the International Medical Relations Office, it is possible to receive full coverage of the costs of the patient’s treatment outside of the state of Qatar.

Application procedure
The patient or his representative must fill out the application for treatment abroad and submit it to the International Medical Relations Office located in the Ministry of Public Health building, accompanied by all the following documents:  

  • Personal information (ID card or passport)
  • A medical report, valid for three months from the date of issuance

The patient and his official accompanying persons are entitled to return tickets in the shortest and most economical way if the approval is issued including the tickets and after obtaining both: 

  • An appointment approved by the Medical Attaché
  • Visas

The patient has the right to request a reimbursement for tickets that he has already bought, if the patient is present at the treatment hospital at the time of the issuance of the treatment approval.

Applying for coverage if you are abroad for treatment at your own expense: 
You or your representative can submit the application to the Qatari Medical Office located abroad, which in turn will send the application to the Department of Medical Relations and Treatment Abroad for presentation to the competent committee. 

The medical office abroad shall notify you or your representative of the committee’s decision within twenty-four hours from the date of its issuance. 

Emergency treatment for Qatari citizens abroad: 
You or your representative must contact the Qatari Medical Office abroad to request coverage of the emergency. This shall cover the costs of treatment for a period of three days only, and if the case requires an extension in the treatment coverage, this shall be by a decision of the Supreme Committee for the following cases: 

  • Cases of sudden injuries and accidents that require the transfer of the injured person to an emergency unit and his treatment or hospitalization in specialized treatment centers.
  • Cases that require the patient to be admitted to the intensive care unit directly, through the emergency department
  • Dialysis for patients with kidney failure, while they are abroad for any reason. 

Contact information
To know more about the required documents and your eligibility, contact the Depart of Medical Relations and Treatment Abroad of the Ministry of Health of Qatar:
Phone Number: +974 66287076 
Official website

To learn more download the guide for patients and accompanying persons during the treatment abroad

Treatment Coverage for Citizens of Saudi Arabia

Treatment Abroad and Cost Coverage for Citizens Saudi Arabia thanks to Intercontinental Care العلاج في الخارج وتغطية التكاليف لمواطني المملكة العربية السعودية بفضل إنتركونتيننتال كير

The Saudi Supreme Medical Commission in the Ministry of Health will fully cover the costs of the patient’s treatment outside of the kingdom such as hospital cost including doctors’ and technicians’ fees and other expenses necessary to complete the treatment, as well as the cost of travel tickets and the accommodation.

Examples of cases eligible for treatment abroad

  • Cases for which no treatments are available in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • A royal decree or a decision of the Supreme Medical Authority for treatment abroad


  • Access the official website of the Absher platform.
  • When opening the platform click on the Emarah Services option after that you choose the treatment services and enter the required treatment information needed.
  • Fill in all the data on the platform and attach all the documents
  • Submit your application.

To check the status of your application visit this website

Contact information
Official website link
Saudi Patient Guide for treatment abroad

Treatment Coverage for Citizens of Sudan

Treatment Abroad and Cost Coverage for Citizens Sudan thanks to Intercontinental Care العلاج في الخارج وتغطية التكاليف للمواطنين السودانيين بفضل إنتركونتيننتال كير

The Sudanese Medical Commission Office will fully or partially cover the costs of the patient’s treatment outside of the Republic of the Sudan.

Examples of cases eligible for treatment abroad

  • Diseases of the brain and neurosurgery
  • Cardiology and heart surgery
  • Eye diseases and surgery
  • Blood diseases and tumors

Conditions for obtaining the coverage:

  • Attach the original documents.
  • The approval of the advisory committee
  • The patient’s presence in person

Documents required 
Attach a medical report containing:

  • typed and written in English containing the patient’s personal information.
  • The medical examination that was conducted for the patient and the medical history.
  • Final or preliminary diagnosis and the recommendation for treatment abroad with the reasons.
  • photograph of the patient.
  • Bringing the patient for a medical examination upon receiving the decision for treatment abroad
  • If the patient’s age is less than (18) years, attach proof of identity for one of the parents, and his presence with the patient when receiving the decision.

Contact information
To know about the required documents in details, to apply to the service and to know your eligibility, please visit the below official website.
Phone: +249 18 346 1765
Official website link

Treatment Coverage for Citizens of UAE

Treatment Abroad and Cost Coverage for Citizens of the United Arab Emirates thanks to Intercontinental Careالعلاج في الخارج وتغطية التكاليف لمواطني دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة بفضل رعاية إنتركونتيننتال

The Committee for Treatment Abroad will fully cover the costs of the patient’s treatment outside of the United Arab Emirates such as hospital cost including doctors’ and technicians’ fees and other expenses necessary to complete the treatment, as well as the cost of travel tickets and the accommodation.

The waiting period for the patient to obtain the approval is usually up to 5 days and 2 days for urgent cases.

Examples for cases eligible for treatment abroad

  • Cases for which no treatments are available in United Arab Emirates.
  • Incurable and rare cancer diseases that require advanced technology, such as eye cancer.
  • Neurosurgery
  • Blood diseases that require bone marrow transplantation.
  • Medical emergencies that occur while the patient is located outside the UAE.

Required Documents

  • Recent copy of the medical report from a government hospital inside the country
  • Copy of the patient’s passport
  • Copy of the patient’s ID
  • Copy of the family book


  • Register through the e-services portal, create a username and password, and log in through the service portal.
  • Submit the application for a certificate, provide the required documents and clarify which country the patient will be traveling to for treatment.
  • Review and complete the documents.
  • The competent authority will prepare the file for submission to the Medical Committee for the Treatment Abroad.
  • The applicant will be notified of the Committee’s decision.

Contact information
To know about your eligibility, please contact the Treatment Abroad Office of the Ministry of Health of the United Arab Emirates:
Phone: +971 2 449 3333/+971 2 417 5555
Email address:
Location: Dubai: Customer Happiness Center – Ministry of Health and Prevention – Muhaisna 2, besides Etisalat Academy, Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed Road, Exit 60
Official website