
Neurological Rehabilitation Neurorehabilitation Brain Trauma Rehabilitation Cerebral Palsy rehabilitation

Choose Our Hospitals for Your Rehabilitation

Complete rehabilitation at our hospitals with specialised care and advanced medical solutions:

  • Personalized Guidance

    Personalized treatment plans within 24 hours

  • Guaranteed Lowest Prices

    Honest and transparent prices for treatment and follow-up

  • Top Private Specialists

    Best European specialists at your disposal

  • Newest Rehabilitation Methods

    Latest robotic technology, innovative approaches

  • Expert Opinions at No Cost

    You only pay for your treatment.

Rehabilitation can be the key to unlocking your body’s full potential and restoring your quality of life. It offers a chance to heal, regain strength, and get back to the daily activities. A rehabilitative program usually encompasses a range of services, including physical therapy in the gym, in the pool, manual procedures, pain relief massages, treatments using machines, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and more. With a personalized treatment plan, you can target your specific needs and work towards your goals. 

There are different types of rehabilitation, specifically designed to meet different needs, based on the state of health, the problem and the objective you want to achieve. We offer protocols designed by the best professionals, based on clinical research, clinical outcomes and positive patient feedback.

Our medical coordinators will help you select the most suitable rehabilitation program based on your specific needs, current health status, and budget. Whether you require post-surgery physiotherapy, neurological or cardiovascular recovery, or comprehensive healing following oncological treatment, we have a solution for you.

Once we evaluate your case, taking into account your medical history and reports, we will create a personalized plan for you. Our centers offer preliminary consultations and ongoing services, enabling you to prepare before your arrival and continue making progress when you return home.

Complete Recovery

No Hidden Fees

No Waiting Lists

Leading Doctors

Our hospital network spans multiple locations across Europe, bringing world-class rehabilitation treatment facilities closer to you with highly trained specialists and state-of-the-art technology. Each clinic is strategically located in major cities, allowing our patients to choose the location that best suits their needs, providing flexibility for consultations, procedures, and follow-up care.

Our medical consultants will advise you on the best choice for your treatment in one of our leading hospitals. 

Types of Rehabilitation

Our Rehabilitative Programs

Rehabilitation package - our centers in Germany, Austria, Italy

from € 400 per day
  • Initial examination and consultation
  • Accommodation in a double or single room and 3 meals a day
  • Individual therapy approx. 4 hours per day, including robotic rehabilitation
  • 24/7 presence of nurses and doctors
  • Possibility of accommodation for a second person
  • Minimum duration of therapy – 2 weeks

Rehabilitation package - our centers in Poland, Lithuania and Croatia

from € 150 per day
  • Initial examination and consultation
  • Accommodation in a double or single room and 3 meals a day
  • Individual therapy approx. 4 hours per day, including robotic rehabilitation
  • 24/7 presence of nurses and doctors
  • Possibility of accommodation for a second person
  • Minimum duration of therapy – 2 weeks

Our offer includes well-staffed rehabilitation medical centers, hospitals, that can provide you with the resources, expertise, and support you need to achieve your rehabilitation goals.

Different rehabilitation centers may specialize in different areas of rehabilitation. For example, some centers may specialize in cerebral palsy rehabilitation, while others may specialize in cardiac rehabilitation or drugs abuse rehabilitation. Choosing a center that specializes in your specific needs and goals can increase the likelihood of success in your rehabilitation.

You can also combine cutting-edge medical rehabilitation with the high-level hospitality of a health resort. Our comprehensive clinical programs and in-house rehabilitation services ensure top-tier healthcare, while our private lodgings and exclusive amenities, including on-site spas, personal chefs, and concierge services, offer an exceptional guest journey.

See some of our most recommended Rehabilitative Programs:


Respiratory rehabilitation – Breathe New Power

If you are looking for a respiratory rehabilitation, this option in Western Czechia, is perfect for you. The program is designed to help individuals who have respiratory conditions improve their lung function, manage symptoms, and enhance their overall quality of life. Starting from € 258 per night.

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Longevity Alvor Diabetes Optimisation

Diabetes Rehab Optimisation

This 3-weeks program combines rehabilitation with wellbeing. Designed to help people with diabetes effectively manage their condition and improve their overall health and quality of life. One night from € 770

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Longevity Alvor Advanced Cardio Health Optimisation, over 45

Cardiac Optimisation

Enjoy a comprehensive cardio-vascular health regeneration program, to prevent heart-related diseases and strokes and to revert chronic inflammatory processes. Set in Southern Portugal. Recommended for patients who have experienced a heart-related event in the past or suffer certain cardiovascular conditions.

One night from € 895 – Duration: 14 nights or customized

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Malvazinky Rehabilitation Clinic

Orthopedic and Physical Recovery

Rehab programs carried out by one of the leading medical facilities in Prague, Czech Republic. The core of the rehabilitation treatment is individual physiotherapy based on the modern principles of clinical europhysiology and developmental kinesiology.

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Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for Parkinson's disease Interconcare Parkinson innovative treatment Parkinson treatment Italy Parkinson Turin TMS Turin TMS Italy

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for Parkinson’s Disease

TMS therapy has demonstrated its potential in assisting individuals with Parkinson’s disease in managing or reducing typical symptoms such as freezing, tremors, and stiffness. This program carried out in Turin, Italy has an average duration of 3 weeks and combines several services to enhance the effectiveness of the therapy.

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Integrative and Holistic Medicine for Longevity Alvor Portugal


This Osteo Rebalancing Program is recommended for those who are experiencing various musculoskeletal conditions or seeking preventive care. The program can help you improve joint mobility, correct alignment issues, improve musculoskeletal balance, alleviate associated symptoms and enhance overall function of your body and wellbeing.

One night from € 698 – Duration: 5 nights or

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Affordable Residential Rehabilitation

The Hospital specializes in orthopedic and neurological rehabilitation, offering highly experienced team and competitive prices. It is located in a well-connected area of Southern Poland, just 10 min from International Airport Rzeszow Jesionka.

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Neurological Rehabilitation

Our expert team of neurologists and rehabilitation specialists crafts a customized program based on your individual condition, ensuring targeted and effective therapy, which is typically carried out over 3-6 weeks of an intensive 5-days-a-week schedule.

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Why choose our Hospitals?

Benefits of Medical Treatment Abroad

Extra Services

You will find our assistance in translation of medical documents, trip organization, and life lasting follow-up concierge for you and your family. 95 % of our patients recommend our services to their relatives or friends.

Leading Specialists

You won't have to struggle to find an appropriate specialist. Thanks to our network of renowned healthcare professionals worldwide, we will connect you with the most suitable doctor, based on your condition.

No waiting list

After your request, you will be contacted within 24 hours, and you won't have to wait to receive your treatment. Because Your Health should never wait.

No hidden fees

We prioritize transparency, ensuring that patients have the information and support they need to make informed decisions about their health. You will have access to the lowest prices and clear information.