Gynecomastia surgery

Plastic surgery for men

Gynecomastia is a disorder characterized by the development of female-like breast tissue in men. Gynecomastia is commonly caused by the accumulation of breast fat as a result of hormones (the imbalance between estrogen and androgen) and overdeveloped mammary glands. Occasionally, it occurs due to obesity alone, regardless of hormones. During puberty, some patients experience temporary gynecomastia (90 % vanish within three years.) It is a common occurrence that typically disappears before age 20.

Gynecomastia should be corrected because it stresses the patient and can negatively impact his interpersonal and social relationships. Before undergoing gynecomastia in one of the leading clinics, the endocrine system must be evaluated to determine the underlying causes. If the adult patient with gynecomastia does not have an endocrine disorder, surgical treatment is necessary. Surgical procedures depend on the degree of mammary gland development.

Gynecomastia surgery for breast reduction may be the right choice for you if:

  • your breast is protruding and can be held in the hands,
  • your breasts are sagging as a result of obesity
  • you are unable to transform your breasts into muscles through exercise
  • your areolae are protruding and enlarged, and are surrounded by firm mammary glands

Gynecomastia with liposuction

Today, a growing number of gynecomastia patients can be treated by cosmetic surgeons using liposuction. This is due in part to advancements in liposuction technology, which have led to a greater variety of minimally invasive techniques. It is essential to select a cosmetic surgeon who is trained in liposuction and has specific experience performing male breast reduction via liposuction. Learn more about liposuction surgery & techniques.

The liposuction procedure for the treatment of gynecomastia is typically performed under local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia, and a small incision is made on each side of the chest. Depending on your needs and the preferred technique of your cosmetic surgeon, incisions may be made along a portion of the areola’s edge or within the armpit. Your cosmetic surgeon will use these incisions to remove excess fat and/or glandular tissue while simultaneously sculpting a natural-looking new chest contour.

Gynecomastia by Tissue Removal

For optimal results, more severe cases of gynecomastia may require surgical tissue excision. Additionally, patients with stretched, sagging breast skin will typically require this method. Tissue excisions enable a cosmetic surgeon to remove a greater quantity of glandular tissue and/or skin that cannot be treated effectively with liposuction alone.

The location and length of the incisions are determined by the extent of the surgery, but they are typically made along the edge of the areola (peri-areolar incision) or within the natural creases of the chest. A qualified cosmetic surgeon will place incisions so that the resulting scars are as unnoticeable as possible.

Typically, male breast reduction with tissue excision is performed as an outpatient procedure under general or local anesthesia with sedation. Recovery is comparable to that of liposuction; however, it is common for patients to experience pain and swelling. Patients typically feel ready to return to work one week after surgery, and a gradual return to exercise is typically permitted after the initial two weeks.

Preparation for Gynecomastia Surgery

The first step in preparing for gynecomastia surgery is to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon. They can evaluate your individual case and recommend the best course of action.

Before surgery, your surgeon may require you to get a physical exam and some laboratory tests to ensure you are in good health and that the surgery is safe for you. If you smoke, you should stop several weeks before the surgery. Smoking can increase the risk of complications during and after surgery. Your surgeon will provide you with a list of medications to avoid before surgery, and he will give you specific instructions to follow before the surgery, such as when to stop eating and drinking, and what to wear on the day of the surgery.

By following these guidelines, you can help ensure a safe and successful outcome for your gynecomastia surgery.

Expected Results

Dieting and exercise can help reduce the fat in your chest area. But if a gynecomastia condition is causing your fat, you should opt for gynecomastia surgery to permanently remove the chest fat. The results of the surgical breast reduction are intended to be permanent; the removed excess fat, glandular tissue, and skin are gone for good. Male breast reduction can also treat puffy nipples. However, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is essential. A recurrence of gynecomastia may result from significant weight gain, steroid use, or specific medical conditions. In addition, drugs that affect testosterone levels may have an effect on your results. An experienced, board-certified cosmetic surgeon can instruct you on how to maintain your results over time.