Calf Reduction

Calf reduction

Calf reduction surgery is a popular procedure that can improve the size and shape of calves dramatically. While many cosmetic contouring procedures target fatty tissue removal, calf reduction surgery targets bulky calf muscles that contribute to a short, stout appearance. It is the ideal option for those who want thin, shapely calves that look proportionate to the rest of their body, thanks to its quick results and minimal recovery time.

The calf is one of the most problematic parts of the body when it comes to slimming. Even losing weight, we often fail to decrease the volume of the calf, as it is made up of muscle and the fat tissue is intramuscular which means it is dispersed within the muscles themselves, while some is subcutaneous. Subcutaneous is often this stubborn fat that is difficult to lose and is located in fatty pockets directly below the skin. Despite weight loss, dieting or exercise, it can be challenging to reduce the width of the calves.

Types of Calf Reduction

Both surgical and non-surgical options are available to correct the width of the calves.

Surgical Partial Calf Reduction: The gastrocnemius muscles are in charge of the majority of the calf. A partial calf resection performed under general anesthesia involves the partial removal of the medial gastrocnemius muscle and, if necessary, the soleus and lateral gastrocnemius. To achieve the desired definition, doctors will precisely control the outcome of this surgical procedure. This safe procedure can reduce calf width by up to 7 centimeters.

Selective Surgical Neurectomy: The calf has three muscles: the lateral gastrocnemius, the medial gastrocnemius, and the soleus. The specialist chooses one of the three muscles to be less active. When a muscle is not used, it loses bulk and shrinks in size over time. Selective neurectomy necessitates extensive knowledge of the technique and anatomy in order to achieve the desired leg definition. Doctors scan the nerves under local anesthesia to determine which ones need to be clipped. The results are gradual, with up to 3 centimeters of calf width reduction visible.

Liposuction of the calf: If there are excess fat deposits in the calf, liposuction can remove them. Under local anesthetic, the doctor makes small incisions through which a cannula is inserted. The fat is then broken down and liquefied before being sucked out through the cannula.

And, nonsurgical options:

Botox: Doctors carefully select the muscles in the calves that are relaxed. The gastrocnemius muscle is usually responsible for the bulky and muscular appearance. Botox’s purpose is to paralyze these muscles, causing them to contract and shrink, resulting in a more slender appearance of the calves. There is no downtime with Botox, and patients can resume their normal daily activities immediately.

Calf Reduction with radiofrequency: This is a minimally invasive procedure that uses radiofrequency to eliminate bulk and narrow the calf. The specialist use an advanced device that pinpoints the nerves in the calves that need to be addressed. The doctor achieves precise bulk reduction while maintaining full calf function.

Preparation for Calf Reduction

If you are considering calf reduction surgery, it is important to prepare yourself both mentally and physically. Here are some general steps you can take to prepare for the procedure:

  1. Consult with a plastic surgeon: The first step is to schedule a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in calf reduction surgery. During the consultation, the surgeon will evaluate your overall health, discuss your goals and expectations, and recommend the most appropriate procedure for you.
  2. Stop smoking: If you smoke, it is important to quit at least 2-3 weeks before the surgery. Smoking can increase the risk of complications and delay the healing process.
  3. Avoid blood-thinning medications: You should avoid taking blood-thinning medications, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, or naproxen, for at least two weeks before the surgery. These medications can increase the risk of bleeding during and after the surgery.
  4. Stay hydrated: It is important to stay hydrated before the surgery to help with the healing process. Drink plenty of water and avoid alcohol and caffeine.
  5. Follow pre-operative instructions: Your plastic surgeon will provide you with specific pre-operative instructions, such as when to stop eating and drinking before the surgery, what to wear on the day of the surgery, and what medications to take.

Cald Reduction Procedure

Calf reductions are typically low-stress, simple cosmetic procedures that do not necessitate a hospital stay. As a result, patients can anticipate a smooth transition from the initial appointment to treatment, recovery, and the final stages of the process. However, there will be some pain and discomfort. If a surgical method is used, this could be near the incision point. It could also happen after botox treatments, as the nerves react to the botox. Swelling around the ankle is common after physical removal of muscle or fat.

During the process, lifestyle changes may be required. Exercise, for example, should be avoided immediately after any type of reduction, and mobility may be hampered by numbness in the lower leg. Compression socks may be required, and patients should keep their legs elevated to promote healing. Physiotherapists may also be called in to provide therapeutic stretching advice. Finally, where incisions are made, a scar is common and should fade within three months.

The procedure may vary according to the selected type of surgery.

An incision is made to begin the partial calf resection. It is created behind the knee, where it will be well hidden after surgery. It is usually about 2 centimeters long, but it can be longer depending on the situation. This is one aspect of the surgery that will be thoroughly discussed with your doctor prior to the procedure.

Surprisingly, doctors can complete the entire procedure through this small incision. They have complete control over how much muscle is removed thanks to their expertise. With an artistic eye, they will sculpt your calf into a more pleasing, slender shape while preserving muscle function. A general anesthetic is used for partial calf removal. It usually takes about 2-3 hours. Patients can usually go home the same day because it is an outpatient procedure.

Selective neurectomy is typically performed under local anesthesia as a minimally invasive procedure. This allows you to lie comfortably on the table while your doctor works.

To begin, your doctor will make an incision behind the knee at the top of the calf. Your doctor will be able to identify the exact nerves that need to be severed through this very small incision. They will then sweep the nerves with specialty tools and clip the relevant nerves to give the calf the best possible shape. Patients must understand that the effects of selective neurectomy are cumulative. It could take up to a year to see the full impact. However, the results are there to be had, with many patients experiencing a 3-centimeter reduction in calf circumference.

Leg liposuction is a technique used by cosmetic surgeons to remove stubborn layers of fat that diet and exercise cannot remove. It works by gently melting the fat so that it can be extracted with a cannula, a suction tube that extracts the fat through a tiny pinhole incision. The stomach, love handles, and upper arms are the most commonly treated areas with liposuction. Calves, like any other part of the body, have a unique way of storing fat. If left unchecked, this fat can accumulate and cause swollen, dimpled calves. Liposuction is the only calf reduction procedure that can treat this condition.

Calf liposuction can effectively treat the following conditions:

  • Lower legs that are full or bulky
  • Achilles tendon definition deficit
  • Ankle thickness

Benefits of Calf Reduction

Calf reduction surgery is a cosmetic procedure that involves reducing the size of the calves through surgical techniques. The benefits of calf reduction surgery may include:

  • Improved appearance: For individuals who feel self-conscious about the size of their calves, calf reduction surgery can improve the appearance of the legs and provide a more balanced, proportional look.
  • Increased confidence: Many people who undergo calf reduction surgery report feeling more confident and comfortable in their bodies after the procedure.
  • Easier physical activity: Some individuals with large calves may experience discomfort or difficulty when engaging in physical activities such as running, cycling, or dancing. Calf reduction surgery can make these activities more comfortable and enjoyable.
  • Relief from pain: In some cases, large calves can cause pain or discomfort, particularly if they are the result of a medical condition such as muscle hypertrophy. Calf reduction surgery can alleviate this pain and improve overall quality of life.

It is important to note that like any surgical procedure, calf reduction surgery carries some risks, and individuals considering the procedure should consult with a qualified plastic surgeon to determine whether it is right for them.