Medical Treatment Visa


Your Personalized Treatment Plan

Do not limit your treatment options only to the nearest hospital.
We offer the most effective, quick and affordable treatments in Europe,
thanks to the world’s largest hospital network.

Medical visas for treatment in the European Union allow access to advanced healthcare services for international patients seeking specialized medical care. These visas are typically issued to individuals who need to undergo medical treatments, surgeries, or consultations unavailable in their home countries. Applicants must provide comprehensive documentation, including a letter from the medical institution detailing the proposed treatment, proof of financial means to cover medical and living expenses, and medical records supporting the necessity of the treatment. 

Please find below the required documents. Our hospital network can issue letters of invitation and facilitate the visa approval process.

How to get a medical visa for Europe

If you want to get a medical visa for receiving treatment in the European Union, you need first find a hospital willing to treat you. The hospital will ask you to pay for the treatment in advance and after confirming the payment will then send a letter of invitation.

After paying for the treatment and receiving the letter of invitation, you have to take an appointment at the Consulate of the country where the hospital is located. If you are a located in Kuwait and the hospital that will treat you is located in Germany you will have to go to the German Consulate in Kuwait that is located in Kuwait City. On the day of you appointment you will have to bring the following documents:

  • Signed application form that you completed online on the official website. If the applicant is a minor (under the age of 18) both parents/legal guardian must sign the application form. The minor and both parents must be present at the consulate during the application process.
  • Passport that is valid for at least 3 months from the date of return. There must be at least two blank pages in the document.
  • Recent passport sized color photograph with a white background (3.50X4.50cm). Head covering is only accepted for religious reasons.
  • Healthcare documentation including:
    • medical record issued in the country of residence/origin certifying the actual illness condition of the patient, duly translated into English;
    • copy of the letter of invitation from the hospital, specifying type of treatment, start date of the treatment, duration and estimated cost;
    • confirmation by the hospital that the patient has payed a 30% deposit of the estimated cost for the treatment.
  • Flight reservation or flight ticket including return flight.
  • Medical travel insurance coverage and repatriation of the patient and their accompanying person.
  • Salary certificate, stating: employment status, monthly salary/annual income, position, starting date of the employment, name, position and contact details of the person signing the no objection letter must be clearly written.
  • Bank statements for the last six months, no older than 1 week in original or photocopy with original bank stamp (on-line statements are not accepted), proving the applicant has sufficient financial resources to cover expenses for healthcare, a well as food and accomodation outside the hospital.

Visa Exemptions

Nationals of the following countries are exempt from the visa requirement for stays of up to 90 days within a 180-day period:

Albania, Andorra, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Australia, Bahamas, Barbados, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Colombia, South Korea, Costa Rica, Dominica, El Salvador, United Arab Emirates, Georgia, Japan, Grenada, Guatemala, Honduras, Hong Kong SAR, Solomon Islands, Israel, Kiribati, Kosovo, Malaysia, Macao SAR, North Macedonia, Marshall Islands, Mauritius, Mexico, Micronesia, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Nauru, Nicaragua, New Zealand, Palau, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Saint Christopher (Saint Kitts) and Nevis, United Kingdom, Samoa, Saint Lucia, Serbia, Seychelles, Singapore, United States, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Taiwan, East Timor, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tuvalu, Ukraine, Uruguay, Vanuatu, Venezuela.

In the case of Taiwan, the visa waiver applies only to the holders of passports that include an identity card number.

For the citizens of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia and Ukraine the visa waiver applies only to the holders of biometric passports.

Serbian citizens holding passports issued by the Serbian Coordination Directorate (in Serbian: Koordinaciona uprava) are excluded from the visa waiver.

The nationals of San Marino and the Holy See are exempt from the visa requirement in any case.

Why choose Intercontinental Care

Complete Recovery

No Hidden Fees

No Waiting Lists

Leading Surgeons

Private treatment in our hospital network allows you skip waiting lists while at the same time reducing the costs treatment considerably, up to 50% cheaper, in countries that are just a short flight from home. The countries listed below make excellent choices with modern hospitals and well-trained surgeons that speak you language.

Our medical consultants will advise you on the best choice for your acoustic neuroma in one of our leading hospitals. We will evaluate your current condition, expectations and other related factors, and offer you the most suitable option, respecting your health and the individual needs of your body and lifestyle. Your health is unique and so should be your solution.