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Clinica Ruesch

Clinica Ruesch Naples Private Hospital Naples

History as Foundation of Medical Excellence

Location: Viale Maria Cristina di Savoia, 39, Naples

Years of Experience
Patients a year
Born Children


An exclusive private clinic overlooking the Gulf of Naples with 100 years of history and surrounded by greenery and quiet, with a view of a bay renowned throughout the world for its beauty.

The Clinic was founded in 1919 by Swiss businessman Hans Ruesch, who owned a textile factory in Sarno, near Naples. Since its founding, the Clinic has been a first-rate healthcare facility where, in addition to an élite, often international patient population, factory employees and their families could be treated by leading Italian and international doctors.

During the same time period, Duchess Elena D’Aosta, a member of the Orléans Royal family of France, established the “Blue Cross,” the first nursing training school, in the neighbouring Villa Jandolo. The Blue Cross and the Clinica Ruesch began an effective and dose-based collaboration at that point. Traditional values are confirmed and updated today – the present and the future. Today’s patients are provided with first-rate medical expertise, high standards of service, and qualified nursing assistance.

The Facility, which was recently renovated, covers an area of 6000 square meters. It is equipped with cutting-edge technologies in both the surgical and diagnostic fields, and it is constantly adding new specializations to broaden its activities. Hotel-level comfort and attention to detail are factors that contribute to the best possible patient experience. It features 80 beds, 3 modern operating rooms for major surgery, 2 for day surgery, a panoramic patient-oriented delivery room, 2 intensive care beds (plus 1 for isolation). It is a center of excellence for birthing, infertility treatment and medically assisted procreation.

The Clinica Ruesch makes available to its patients the currently most advanced system in the field of Robotic Surgery: the Robot Da Vinci Xi System. The outpatient clinic, with more than 80 private professionals, is located in a beautiful historical villa built at the beginning of the 20th century.

Maternity Unit and Neonatology

Clinica Ruesch Naples Private Hospital Naples Delivery room Naples Neonatology Naples Maternity Unit Delivery Unit Naples

Facing the Gulf of Naples, in front of Vesuvius, the Clinica Ruesch offers a very modern patient-oriented delivery room, with the aim of making childbirth a physiological event as much as possible and experiencing the birth in conditions of maximum safety, absolute tranquility and naturalness. The team consists of the main gynecologist, supported by the neonatologist, obstetrician, supervisor and anesthetist.

Among the delivery room equipment:

  • Water birth tub: Extremely ergonomic, it is pleasant and welcoming, allowing the new mother to assume a posture of complete muscle relaxation. Many women choose water births and report positive effects on their birth experience. Some women have found that giving birth in water is soothing, reducing stress and even calming their newborn baby. Because warm water in the birthing tub can help with relaxation, it may also cause the release of more endorphins and improve blood flow to the uterine muscles, which can help the new mother deal with labor pains naturally.
  • Birthing Bed AVE: Designed to better satisfy the needs of the woman in labor by offering excellent opportunities for relaxation, freedom of movement and assuming an upright posture.

Since 1919, more than 75.000 babies have been born in Clinica Ruesch. In line with the international guidelines laid down by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (ACOG), the Clinica Ruesch delivery room and nursery, designed according to the most up-to-date organizational concepts, allow to assist and aid childbirth in an ultramodern patient-orientated delivery room, furnished with state of the art equipment.

In accordance with WHO guidelines for babies born naturally, the Clinic implements the “Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding” program, which includes the rooming-in practice. The specialized staff will guide the mother and father through the first moments of welcoming the new arrival and the first steps in caring for the new arrival.

Due to modern equipment for the assistance and stabilization of the critical new-born baby, as well as the support and experience of our medical, obstetric, and nursery staff, Ruesch specialists are able to meet the neonatal and perinatal exigencies. For more serious clinical cases, the Clinica Ruesch avails itself of the collaboration of the best regional intensive care centers network, through the Neonatal Emergency Transport.

If requested, psychological support is also available to mothers.

Robotic Surgery

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The Center of Excellence in Robotic Surgery of the Clinica Ruesch is applied in the treatment of Infertility, Urological Oncology, Female Urology and Male Urology.

Preferring a minimally invasive surgical approach, the Clinica Ruesch makes available to its patients the currently most advanced and technologically advanced system in the field of Robotic Surgery: the Robot Da Vinci Xi System. It was the third in Italy to be equipped with the Da Vinci Xi System Robot.

Compared to “open” surgery, traditional laparoscopic surgery or the more advanced tele-assisted laparoscopy, the da Vinci Robot offers numerous advantages both to the surgeon and to the patients, representing the highest standard in numerous types of intervention, placing itself as the of minimally invasive treatment par excellence and allowing for a faster post-operative recovery of patients.

Gynecology & Infertility Treatment

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The Clinica Ruesch is a reference center for the treatment of benign and malignant pathologies, such as cervical cancer, ovarian and cervical neoplasms, etc. Among the most common gynecological operations and investigations performed in the clinic, there are oophorectomy, salpingo-ophorectomy, fallopianoscopy, salpingectomy; Closure of the Fallopian tubes, Hysteroscopic sterilization, Hysterectomy, Hysteroscopy, Endometrial Ablation, Colposcopy and Colpectomy.

Thanks to the solid and recognized expertise of the Clinica Ruesch in the specializations of gynecology and obstetrics, patients also find the advanced services of Reproductive Medicine. The center addresses couples with fertility problems by offering them the highest medical-scientific level, the most modern equipment and the most sophisticated laboratory procedures. The polyspecialist character and multidisciplinary approach is confirmed by the synergy of specialists in gynecology, endocrinology, embryology, andrology and psychology.

The Clinica Ruesch is equipped with the most modern and sophisticated equipment, which includes a completely automated and safe system for cell identification during all laboratory procedures. Approximately 6,000 couples have been treated so far, with a success rate of 54%, with IVF treatment (for women under 35) and 40% for women aged 35 to 39

High Standard Hospitalization

Clinica Ruesch Naples Private Hospital Naples

The Clinica Ruesch is situated in the heart of the city of Naples, immersed in a green and quiet area with a view of a bay famed throughout the world for its beauty. The wonderful setting and the tastefully and soberly furnished rooms help to make our guests stay as pleasant as possible. Particular needs can be met on request. The Clinica Ruesch boasts of different room types to satisfy each patient: single and double, suites and superiors. Rooms are supplied with the following services: Free WI-FI, TV with International Channels, Air conditioning, Telephone, Coffee Bar.

Services on demand: Ambulance, Private assistance, Safe box, Hairdresser, Newspapers, Laundry, Car rental with driver, Holy Mass and other religious services.

The meals are prepared with an accurate selection of fresh, organic and nutritionally balanced ingredients. Special menus can be requested. In order to make the patient stay as comfortable and pleasant as possible, the Clinica Ruesch offers the best possible hospitality through selected services: hotels, restaurants, guide tours and transfers.